Building Type: War Memorial
Status: Competition Entry, “Cold War Veterans Memorial Design Competition”
Site: Kenosha, Wisconsin
Area: 44,000 SF
Year: 2021

The memorial is a reinforced concrete shell structure. This structure frees up interior columns, forming planetarium-like enigmatic space. A gently undulated concrete floor receives bright fluid-applied epoxy coatings.

During the Memorial Day weekend, a field of crosses arranged in radial pattern occupies the grade plane.

The proposed memorial is a subterranean plaza that puncture a grade plane into “Swiss cheese”. Constellation of LED stars throughout a ceiling embodies numerous people who served and sacrificed for the nation during the war. Circular sky lenses that cast daylight into the space signify thresholds into the freedom and future.

The holey space is a sanctuary, shedding a new light on “people” who strived to protect and prosper “American way of life” during the Cold War.